Thursday, May 28, 2015

Wonderful memories from the park

ok so I was trying to resist but i just can't...How can I not post these amazing pictures of the family I never thought I would have. My children are blessings i treasure everyday ( even when one in particular is flushing my necklace down the toilet...but i digress). I have been told that I post a lot about  my kids on the net, but I  just can't help it, they make me so happy that i feel like looking at the stuff they do and the life we live will make people smile. I know that when I read other Mother's blogs about their daily struggles...up and downs I don't feel so alone. I know that we take solace in each other's insane lives and for s brief moment we take a breath and a sigh of relief and say...Ok, I am not the only one... So I will continue to share and if my funny, happy amazing kids are too much...keep scrolling

p.s. these pictures where taken on a day when the dragon was in FULL dragon mode, by a friend of ours who is a talented up and coming photographer. She has a wonderful connection with her clients and is super professional and get you the pictures fast. She has done three separate occasions for us and I highly recommend her Josee Ann Moisan!! AMAZING

Sunday, May 17, 2015

OH what a day!

What a beautiful day outside, kinda makes us forget that crap ( winter) we had just a few short weeks ago. It also make sus forget that it is only a few short months away BLASPHEMY! and so I move on.

Our little dragon is saying many more words and definitely expressing herself. She is one determined little munchkin and NO or Uh UH is by far her favorites! We can see the fruits of our hard work and wonderful therapists working as she slowly makes more and more progress.

We had such a fun ( if not exciting) morning with our wondeful photographer taking some fun pictures at the park, you can be sure i'll post those just as soon as I can. And then we had a blast in the pool and back yard! The pool was FREEZING a balmy 68 degrees, but like I said, Layla Rose is a super toroper and she wanted in and missy gets what she wants, especialy since I knew it would only last 5 min...her reaction to the pool was awesome! WHOA WHOA!! haha! imagine that in her little squeaky voice. She destroyed the back yard , but I got my clothes line and garden done and so tonight I am can say..hanging in there and days like today make it all worth it! to all mu wonderful Mommy friends HANG IN THERE!!!

As always here are some highlights
Eric's face says it all!


Monday, May 11, 2015

Oh my princess...sigh...I never thought I'd say it!

Ok so I have been woefully against the Princess crap ( how I affectionately refer to it) BUT my daughter who has been the best gift I ever had has shown me many thing while being her Mom. She has brought me to my highest highs and lowest lows. I have felt things, love, fear and sorrow at such a heightened level because of her. I have fought the princesses, and the lesson I have learned form being Layla Rose's Mom is that there is no point in fighting the small things...just go with the flow Momma! And that my friends is my new approach for the world of pink and princesses...WATCH OUT because I am full force ahead...if she wants princesses here it comes! LOL! ( my secret hope is that I'll overload her and she won't like them any more tee hee) Here she is in all AUTHENTIC DISNEY RAPUNZEL GLORY ( Thank you Tatie Caroline) please note the hockey stick in her hands :)