Sunday, February 2, 2014

Mini update and pics! YIPEE!

Ok so 23 days in and I am feeling like this will never freaking end! ARGH!!! lots of weird feelings in the arms and still only about 60% mobility. back to doctors tomorrow with some good news hopefully....I am hoping I get permission to go back to the gym, at least for cardio and that it will help the mobility. The opening is still not 100% closed and so I am pretty sure I will not be allowed back on the ice just yet F#$%! However I did go to zumba this morning and did armless zumba ( I looked ridiculous and it is harder than it sounds) and at least that was good for the soul!

Here are a few fun pics and hopefully next time I check in I will be more mobile! PLEASE!!!
No I won't give it mine!

Wearing my new suit! Thank you Auntie Karla !!

Getting ready for vacation !!

I can do it!!

Chilln with my cuz Samantha!

don't let the stink eye fool you! I love my cuz Amanda!

Baby whisperer...note how Layla Rose is leaning into Uncle Des!

I just love my little dragon! (Thank you Tatie Karine for the boots! look how cool they look !)


I can reach!

Got them!!