Friday, May 31, 2013

So little time!

Ok so no, I have not forgotten about this has just been a CRAZY month...phew! but I am having a blast! We just finished our 2 formation weekends and I am super pumped about our staff this year...looking good guys!

We have so much to be blessed for, being busy means that we have all kinds of fun memories of different things and we are so grateful. A big thank you to Nana and Zadie who have helped me and Eric to play hockey on Tuesdays....playing with Eric is good for my ego, since he covers all my mistakes haha! We have so many more adventures planned, our little trio is going on another dragon adventure next year to the Bahamas and that gives us something fun to look forward to, I will be graduating in dec and doing the marathon ( 10k) again in September. We will do our best to post pics as we go along and share with you all. Thank you all so much for all the fun messages and comments you send and OF COURSE for all the support! Here a few pics ...more to come!

p.s. did I mention I have now lost 75lbs since my journey started...goooooooooooo me! LOL!



I love my caterpillar toy and book! Thank you Auntie Karla & Uncle Michael!!!


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother`s Day everyone!!

So I have been slacking a bit posting pictures BUT, it has been a super busy time. I have finished my last semester of classes ( a stage ot go in sept and I am DONE) Back to work routine settling in, birthdya Zumba and Hockey tournaments etc. PHEW! But things are settling down and now I am going to unload a mish mash of pics from Eric`s cell and my camera. With an amazing husband, and family and friends we are enjoying evry minute of our wild ride!

 Now Julie and Mike are coming back and we can`t wait to spend more time with them, YAHOO! Camp is about to start and all the craqziness that come with it...

I am going to just enjoy this little lull and share this with you...HUG YOUR KIDS! I say this because the time that they come to you and want to hug is short and quickly it becomes uncool, so take every chance to hug, hug, hug.  Happy Mother`s day to you all!

swimmign in my swimming pool!

Look Nonno I make music!

I`m a big girl now!!!

Je t'aime Mamie!

Da boyz and little dragon!

Me and Nonno!

Da gang at Mckibbs

Making music with my uncle Des!

We bad...dats right!

help?!?!? lol

kick kick kick!

I love my auntie Julie!!

Look at my Pony!! YEEHAW!

eating my cake on my birthday, YUM!

I mean that cute or what?!?!

Us on Mother's day, love it