Friday, January 6, 2012

New year New Project!!

Ok so inspired by Karla (sister in law) I am going to try this Project 365. This is the a project where you post a picture for each day for a year. I love the idea but don't know if I have her gumption to keep it up..but I will give it my best..LOL!! I k now I am already a week behind so I will have to catch up, BUT this is a big year filled with weddings, babies and special birthdays etc. So Hopefully my pics will be good and make up for the week. Ok so Big day tomorrow..Julie's wedding and my picture taking debut. I know I started a blog awhile ago but this time IT'S FOR REAL! LOL!!


  1. I can't wait to see what kind of photographs you have to show us!
    Why aren't you continuing on your other blog?
    It's much better suited for photos too.

  2. LOL....good luck Lisa. Lord help you. I don't know what ever possessed me to do it. But I'll be there barking up a storm to keep you on track!
