So much has happened recently and has put so much in perspective for me. Somethings seemed so important to me a short while ago, finishing my semester, playing hockey, making it to Zumba etc. But recent events showed me that there is so much more than that.
Firstly I would like to take a moment to be thankful that I can hug my little Layla Rose tight in my arms, unlike those mothers in Conneticut. She has been sick for the last 2 days with a gastro and it has been a little tiring, we are both tired and a little dirty and worried. Today I ran around to get pedialyte and a new thermometer. We played every game, watched TV and sand, and walked and bounced and played some more, and tried to get her to eat, tried to get her to drink..phew. Then just 15 min ago she started crying again and I had to change 2 diapers one right after the other, I was a little fed up. So I was holding her in my arms rocking her and then President Obama came on and spoke to the families of the victims of another school shooting and I realised I would change a hundred more diapers with a smile on my face because I CAN hold her tight. So I did, I held her a little longer and a little tighter and said a prayer of thanks for being given this gift. So hug your kids just a little tighter. This also goes beyond kids, we don't know what can happen from minute to minute. Don't go another night without making things right with those you love. Family, friends anyone, nothing you are mad about is worth holding a grudge and then living the rest of your life not having resolved it. It is Christmas, and tragedy can happen, so suck it up, forgive and more forward life is just too damn unpredictable just ask those families whole will never be together again.
Secondly I know I have said thank you to my amazing family for being so supportive and helpful all these years, though it won't ever be enough. I would like to say Mommy lesson part 2 is thanking my amazing friends. I had ablast at our little christmas pot luck fun fridaynight and it made me realise just how important you all are. A network of support and fun, laughing sillynes and memeories, all of that has me looking forward to what we will do next. When I had Layla Rose I thought we would not be able to be social, go out, maintain relationships etc. But so far we have been blessed by a group of people who have been by our side and I want to say THANK YOU!!! I love that we still grab a beer at Mcgibbs, and have diners and hang out at our house etc. We are a dynamic group with many personalities, sometimes butt heads or have conflicts, but we are worth fighting for and hanging in there through any of our "DRAMA". So again I say Thank you for being amazing friends and here is to the next chapter in our wild ride as a group! So A big old thank you : Anick Sam Paul Shane Pam Nat Eric Kourtney Sanjay Steve Katie Mark Mel Vanessa Catherine Julie Ricky and evryone else!!! FRIENDS ROCK...what's next?!
#322 Bad to the out I come! |
#323 Auntie Sam gave me a gift Momma! Do you see it? |
#324 I love my Sophie AND my Ma Tante Anick!! |
#325 I finished my book , yahoo! |
#326 I LOVE my new circle of neglect! Thank you Christina!! |
#327 Hey...what you doing up there? |
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