#309 , My toys, ok all my toys. Don't touch! |
Ok so here we have a few more pics than usual but we had a BIG weekend with lots of adventures! First we went "swimming" in our bath tub!! Since we are starting lessons in January, Momma thought it would be a good idea to try it out in the tub first!! WOOHOO!!! we have so much fun!!! Here are some fun pic ( plus whop doesn't love a baby bathing suit!)
#310, Momma and Layla Rose, happy happy happy! |
#311 yeah, I'm swimming, can't you tell? |
#312 I'm ready coach! Put me in!! |
#313 Move over Phelps, you ain't got nothing on me! |
#314, WHAT?!?! I'm swimming here! |
Then after our big pool adventure, which I LOVED by the way, actually I might have enjoyed it more than Layala...just maybe. :) We got all dressed up and ready for our big visit with Santa Clause!!That was super fun, Layla Rose got all dressed up in her little shirt, and elf outfit and off we went. As soon as she went with Santa it was supper fun, lots of pictures and she didn't know where to look. Then Santa thought it would be a great idea to bring her close to his face...but um ya, Layla HATES that. So result? BREAKDOWN!!! but it was too funny and we got lots of good shots. Here are some that we took after our visit with Santa I posted the proffesional ones on FB.
#315 Just about my turn...I am not so sure Momma! |
#316 Daddy Eating layla's food after her big shoot. BAD DADDY!! |
#317 Nana and Zadie, I got your finger Zadie!! |
#318 All the Grandparents together with their little Dragon!! |
#319 Auntie Julie with her little Godchild!! YAY!! |
#320 Nonno & Maie holding their little Layla Rose |

#321 The Mancini Clan and baby Layla!
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