Monday, December 31, 2012


#344 Layla Rose and her not Eric, teehee! Thanks Nana & Zadie!

#345 serioulsy my favorite non-Layla picture of 2012

Monday, December 24, 2012

Family Christmas Eve

#338  Our Christmas eve party, Wonderful friends and Family...and puppies!

#339 Look at my hat flashes!

#340 A soft towel inspired by our little movie star...Thanks you Nonno and Mammie!

#341 Daddy explaining the magic key for Santa and his milk and cookies! YUM!

#342 Unlce Mike you so Crazy!!

#343 Momma and Zadie RockN' it out!!!...Bonjovi WATCH OUT!!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

As Promised : Our Family and Friends Birthday Hockey! 2012

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Birthday Hockey!

Thank you everyone for a great evening! We had a great game with some fun moments!! ( flying V) the love duo Steve and Fredo!! woot woot!! It was a great way for us all to get together even though we have lot of little ones, some of us play some of us watch and we all get to have fun! I will post the pictures as soon as I get them, some of them are already on facebook. A big come back from Dom, we are all so proud of you! I managed not to get another concussion ( PHEW) and The Dante Lisa duo finally got to happen! YAAAAAAAAAAY!! This was a great memory and hopefully we will do it again soon! Thank you to all our freinds and family who showed up to play and watch, it was a fun way to spend time together before Christmas!

Friday, December 21, 2012

#333 I don't wannna Momma more!

#334 I have to hold how close ot my face?? Something is not right here!

#335 Me and Pooh are plying with this cool toy called a foot..see? 

#336 See? here they are again! FEET!!

#337 Ya, yippe Uncle Mike is finally here, but your blocking my show...seriously Momma..move!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Iphone Fun!

Hey peeps, sorry but I don't know how to turn these pics, they come from and Iphone and I have no idea how to change the format! turn your head or screen!! Enjoy!!!
#328 look at my spoon...Ooooooo

#329 Me and Daddy...we chilln'

#330 me and my new portable SQUARE of neglect

#331 I can do it all by myself!! I AM an allstar!

#332 Nanook of the north...Layla Rose

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Another Mommy Lesson

So much has happened recently and has put so much in perspective for me. Somethings seemed so important to me a short while ago, finishing my semester, playing hockey, making it to Zumba etc. But recent events showed me that there is so much more than that.

Firstly I would like to take a moment to be thankful that I can hug my little Layla Rose tight in my arms, unlike those mothers in Conneticut. She has been sick for the last 2 days with a gastro and it has been a little tiring, we are both tired and a little dirty and worried. Today I ran around to get pedialyte and a new thermometer. We played every game, watched TV and sand, and walked and bounced and played some more, and tried to get her to eat, tried to get her to drink..phew. Then just 15 min ago she started crying again and I had to change 2 diapers one right after the other, I was a little fed up. So I was holding her in my arms rocking her and then President Obama came on and spoke to the families of the victims of another school shooting and I realised I would change a hundred more diapers with a smile on my face because I CAN hold her tight. So I did, I held her a little longer and a little tighter and said a prayer of thanks for being given this gift. So hug your kids just a little tighter. This also goes beyond kids, we don't know what can happen from minute to minute. Don't go another night without making things right  with those you love. Family, friends anyone, nothing you are mad about is worth holding a grudge and then living the rest of your life not having resolved it. It is Christmas, and tragedy can happen, so suck it up, forgive and more forward life is just too damn unpredictable just ask those families whole will never be together again.

Secondly I know I have said thank you to my amazing family for being so supportive and helpful all these years, though it won't ever be enough. I would like to say Mommy lesson part 2 is thanking my amazing friends. I had ablast at our little christmas pot luck fun fridaynight and it made me realise just how important you all are. A network of support and fun, laughing sillynes and memeories, all of that has me looking forward to what we will do next. When I had Layla Rose I thought we would not be able to be social, go out, maintain relationships etc. But so far we have been blessed by a group of people who have been by our side and I want to say THANK YOU!!! I love that we still grab a beer at Mcgibbs, and have diners and hang out at our house etc. We are a dynamic group with many personalities, sometimes butt heads or have conflicts, but we are worth fighting for and hanging in there through any  of our "DRAMA". So again I say Thank you for being amazing friends and here is to the next chapter in our wild ride as a group! So A big old thank you : Anick Sam Paul Shane Pam Nat Eric Kourtney Sanjay Steve Katie Mark Mel Vanessa Catherine Julie Ricky and evryone else!!! FRIENDS ROCK...what's next?!

#322 Bad to the out I come!

#323 Auntie Sam gave me a gift Momma! Do you see it?

#324 I love my Sophie AND my Ma Tante Anick!!  

#325 I finished my book , yahoo!

#326 I LOVE my new circle of neglect! Thank you Christina!!

#327 Hey...what you doing up there?

Sunday, December 9, 2012

2 BIG adventures!!

#309 , My toys, ok all  my toys. Don't touch!
Ok so here we have a few more pics than usual but we had a BIG weekend with lots of adventures! First we went "swimming" in our bath tub!! Since we are starting lessons in January, Momma thought it would be a good idea to try it out in the tub first!! WOOHOO!!! we have so much fun!!! Here are some fun pic ( plus whop doesn't love a baby bathing suit!)

#310, Momma and Layla Rose, happy happy happy!

#311 yeah, I'm swimming, can't you tell?

#312 I'm ready coach! Put me in!!

#313 Move over Phelps, you ain't got nothing on me!

#314, WHAT?!?! I'm swimming here!
 Then after our big pool adventure, which I LOVED by the way, actually I might have enjoyed it more than Layala...just maybe. :) We got all dressed up and ready for our big visit with Santa Clause!!That was super fun, Layla Rose got all dressed up in her little shirt, and elf outfit and off we went. As soon as she went with Santa it was supper fun, lots of pictures and she didn't know where to look. Then Santa thought it would be a great idea to bring her close to his face...but um ya, Layla HATES that. So result? BREAKDOWN!!! but it was too funny and we got lots of good shots. Here are some that we took after our visit with Santa I posted the proffesional ones on FB.
#315 Just about my turn...I am not so sure Momma!

#316 Daddy Eating layla's food after her big shoot. BAD DADDY!!
#317 Nana and Zadie, I got your finger Zadie!!
#318 All the Grandparents together with their little Dragon!!
#319 Auntie Julie with her little Godchild!! YAY!!
#320 Nonno & Maie holding their little Layla Rose

#321 The Mancini Clan and baby Layla!


Monday, December 3, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!!

Merry Christmas everyone  from our beautiful little Dragon Elf!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Mommy Lesson #3...accept help!

#302 Auntie Julie feed Layla Rose her peas...yum here favorite...NOT!!
So we are so excited to have our godmother and auntie Julie back form China! she has been staying with us ( pre-surprise party) and YAY for extra hands!!! Layla Rose has been loving it , and she learned a new skill...she can wiggle and dance in her new big girl chair! Eric is now on his second half of paternity and is looking forward to spending some daddy dragon time! Soon Uncle Mike will be back and then everyone will get to be the Dragon and her SUPER drool!! ( I know how much you love that Mike!!) This has been a grreat time for us, we have been so lucky to  have a family like ours, last week we had all kinds of special visits with Nonno and Mamie, Nana and Zadie and Auntie Julie! It has been such a relief to me, instead of trying to do it all, I have been lucky to have had Momma's out there...take the help, you are not alone and it doesn't mean you can't handle it on your own, it is just making life easier. Here are some fun moments from the passed week!

#303 A Happy Auntie Julie huggieg her little god-dragon. YAY for being here!

#304 Hmmmm, thats interesting, sheesh, I ove hte morning paper...where's my coffee?

#305 a surprise Nanna & Zadie visit!! HAppy happy happy!

#306 and yopu wonder why my dog get away with everything?? I mean seriously, could they be any cuter!!

#307 Nonno and Layla Rose!! Fight the power!!

#308 Saturday mornign at our house with our three babies!! Momma is Happy happy happy!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Mommy follow up...lesson 2

Ok so yesterday's lesson was how I can appreciate how hard it is to be a mom, and how we as adults can look back at our own mothers and though we may not love everything they did, we can love love them for how hard they tried. A sentiment I sincerely hope Layla Rose adopts.
today's lesson is on a different angle. So I have been on a crusade to loose weight for quite some time and I have lost 71lbs, then gained 48 during pregnancy and now lost 48 to bring me back to where I was. still got 42 to my goal...sigh. I am doing this because I want to be the best mother I can be, I want to have the energy to play with Layla and coach her teams, feel confident in pictures with her and to set an healthy example for her. Tonight I did a crazy boot camp and quite frankly I have no idea how I am going to even make it up the stairs to bed HAHA!! I feel good because I finished it, but it is also a reality check of how far I still have to go. Oh Layla Rose,  my little dragon, I hope you know how much your momma loves you so please forgive me my faults, as I am doing some crazy squats for you :) I. AM. SO. SORE!!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Family first...especially Moms

So our little Layla Rose is six months old and it has been an amazing 6 months. Not just for the unbelievable fact that I never ever thought I would utter the phrase “my child, my daughter etc” But for the life lessons I have learned each day since she entered our blessed world.  Not only have I learned an enormous amount about myself and my resilience, but I have seen my incredible husband through a whole new set of eyes and what’s more is I even saw my own parents through a new set of lenses.
Most of you know that Eric and I had been on a long journey trying to have our little dragon, 5 ½ years of putting one foot in front of the other and it paid off with beautiful Baby girl. Through that journey we have had friends and family support us, and they have been there for us through the six wild months so far. We don’t get to pick our families, ( as they say) and with family comes DRAMA…LOL. What family doesn’t have their ups and downs, but at the end of the day they are always the ones left standing next to you. I know that as a Mother, there is nothing I wouldn’t do for Layla Rose, I never truly understood the sentiment “I would throw myself in front of a bus for my child” well, I do now.  Mothers stand by their children no matter what, and as a new mom I can appreciate how much it must have been difficult for my own mom to stand by as I “grew”  rebelled and voiced my opinion on just about everything.  I try my hardest with Layla, but I know I make mistakes and each time I make I say to myself “gosh I hope she doesn’t remember or blame me for that”  And I know that when she is a teen or an adult telling me off or calling me names it will hurt so much, because I will remember all the times I held her and rocked her and tried to make everything ok and I will be telling myself  “ but I tried my hardest” I can only hope that as an adult she will understand that I did my best and to not hold it against me.  I was really upset with my mom for a while after the baby was born, and at first I just stayed mad and it was ruining my experience with my own child. Then as I was holding Layla one night, I realised the mistake was with me, not her. I was upset and I was even madder that she wasn’t changing what I didn’t like. But how could she if I couldn’t calmly explain how she hurt my feelings and what I wanted her to do instead. It took a few weeks for me to formulate how I would approach the topic. I have a temper (NOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo..haha) and I knew that if it was going to work I would have to be calm and explain my feelings, while explaining to her that the end goal was that we get to a better place. I really feel that the conversation was so important and has made thing exponentially better. Now not only do I benefit from the wisdom of my Mom, my daughter can enjoy her Nana without me feeling upset. I think that next to parents, the most important people in a child’s life are grandparents. Anyone who deprives their own children of their grandparents are not only selfish by punishing their children from the wonderful experience, but by punishing the grandparents who only want to love their grandkids. Anyways all of this to say that a big life lesson for all parents, is to understand that no one is perfect, families are not perfect, but no one will fight harder for their child or never give up on them like a Mother will and none of us have the right to forget that fact because w eare now mothers and fathers, and god help us if our children should do that to us.  Food for thought people…I hope I do a good job, but if I don’t I hope my daughter will understand my mistakes were not on purpose and everything I did was out of love even if it was wrong.

#300 Nonno and His little Layla Rose riding a pony at work! gidyup!

#301 Momma and beautiful Layla Rose showing Daddy hpw much Momma wants a pony!


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

#295 Layla Rose vs Prunes...happy happy happy
#296 I did good... right Momma?

#297 Layla wearing thre most ridiculous hat...I like to call it "The Furry Pope Hat"
#298 Daddy wearing the Furry Pope Hat!!

#299 Layla Rose chompin' down on some watermelon..Just like her Momma!!