This weekend was so crazy, hockey practices, cooking, baking, family, swimming AHHHHH!!! I know you guys get it!! So tonight as I sat down to some peace and quiet ( kids asleep, hubby at hockey) I took a deep breath and it really hit me , it hit me how much I have to be grateful for , but also for the place I am at right now.
Parenthood is just a daily guessing game (right?) a lot of uncertainty, the best of intentions, high highs and incredible lows. I have been fortunate enough to have been able to go through this emotional journey with some equally kick butt parents. My circle of friends has all had children at the same (ish) time and it makes it fun because we can laugh, cry and support each other through this wild ride. I don’t think I could do this parenting thing without all these amazing moms and dads in our life. It really and truly (for me anyway) makes it less lonely, scary and I feel a lot of solidarity! I think I can not stress enough the importance of the village. I know, I know its cliché but there is a reason why it has stuck around, because it’s true.
This village is not just for the hard times, but almost more importantly for the good times. 4 years ago, one of my oldest friends, Natalie and I started a cookie tradition. We get our four kids together and let the flour, sprinkles and frosting chaos ensue (oh it has been a frosting disaster LOL) We have done this each Christmas since, and our group has expanded to include more of our friends. It is louder and messier and every BETTER than it has ever been. These memories will be with us as our kids get older, and it is bittersweet! As our 7 kids played and entertained them selves us ladies sat there and actually proclaimed:
“We’ve MADE IT!”

Parents, parents to be and whoever else, get a village!! Today leaving the arena we met another long-time friend and his kiddo ready to get on the ice. Right away I thought oh baby new tradition, lets get an outdoor game going! These things might seem trivial and hard to fit in our busy schedules, but these moments will not last. Truth is that parenting is hard. So many unknowns, so many questions. But when you have a village who will hold you up, march through this crazy journey, dance with you, laugh with you, cry with you and do a war cry with you, then NOTHING is as scary as it might’ve been.
I hope my village ( so many of you not pictured here) doesn’t change, I hope that I am lucky enough to keep laughing with you all and I hope that you find your village ( if you don’t already have it) Doesn’t need to be more than one person (quality not quantity).
To each of you I am grateful.
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