Our little dragon is saying many more words and definitely expressing herself. She is one determined little munchkin and NO or Uh UH is by far her favorites! We can see the fruits of our hard work and wonderful therapists working as she slowly makes more and more progress.
We had such a fun ( if not exciting) morning with our wondeful photographer taking some fun pictures at the park, you can be sure i'll post those just as soon as I can. And then we had a blast in the pool and back yard! The pool was FREEZING a balmy 68 degrees, but like I said, Layla Rose is a super toroper and she wanted in and missy gets what she wants, especialy since I knew it would only last 5 min...her reaction to the pool was awesome! WHOA WHOA!! haha! imagine that in her little squeaky voice. She destroyed the back yard , but I got my clothes line and garden done and so tonight I am can say..hanging in there and days like today make it all worth it! to all mu wonderful Mommy friends HANG IN THERE!!!
As always here are some highlights
Eric's face says it all! |
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