We love our little dragon, she is the light of our life and we have most likely spoiled her! (but she is too cute not to!) having said that though we embark on a new challenge in her life, but we are looking forward to the rewards success will bring. As most of you know our little dragon doesn't really speak much and we have been searching for a reason and hoping it will just unblock. needless to say that is not the case. After extensive research and appointments and tests it comes down to these three things:
1. She has a speech delay ( which we assumed, but worried about the cause). According the greatest speech therapist ever Stacey Knect, with work and excersizes Layla Rose will catch up. She said Layla Rose was very smart and above average in problem solving so once she understands that words can get her things she should progress quickly.
2 &3 are kind of intertwined .She has sensitivity to noise and is susceptible to o ver stimulation causing anxiety. all very fancy ways of saying she can't deal with too much noise and visual stimuli. OIt makes her stress out and internalise making her less open to using her words. So we have to adpat the enviroment big time and see an occupational therapist to teach us some coping skills. We are also on the list for the mckay center and shoudl begin there in the next couple of weeks.
The biggest thing to come out of all this is that we have had to pull her out of daycare. She was in a daycare center with 80 kids and it was just too much for her according to the therapist. They also used internet and TV to do activities for the kids which I am very against and didn't help a child who is already over stimulated. Don't take me wrong, Layla Rose's educators just loved her and i knew that they were doing their best. Melanie and Stacey were just two very special people, who loved my little dragon, but because of her needs we have to put her somewhere she can get one on one with someone who is trained. So she will begin in a new place with only 4 other kids and they will work with her in terms of reducing her anxiety , increase her attention span and open the flood gates of vocabulary.
I want to hear her speak, and know what she is thinking, I want to answer every question she has and hear her little voice. I want to hear her say she loves me and know what she is saying...my heart just aches to think that she is so frustrated because we don't understand her. All of this to say parenting is hard, we hope we make the right choices to give our kids the best chance possible but there is no guarantee. I hope we are making the right choice in this. Here we go on another challenge!
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