Sunday, January 25, 2015

Oh what a night!

PHEW!!!!! they are not kidding when they say  having a 2nd child is a lot! But it is A lot of everything, the good and the more challenging! I can't believe it is six weeks this week, it goes much too fast, everything that is except the baby weight! LOL! it is still there!! I am starting hockey tomorrow night and I won't lie I am CRAZY nervous to get back on the ice, I was feeling so good about myself before the pregnancy, I was on a roll lets say. How will I be now? Here is hoping I will not embarrass myself or feel badly! ( Thank god I am not a goalie)

My birthday is co9ming up soon and that to is a mental challenge! I swore by 35 I would be physically where I wanted to be, so I won't make that goal, but I am better than where I started off...I have given myself a new target! My cousins wedding ( date yet undeclared) LOL! By then I want to be where I am happy and in a dress! BY GOD people I am going to wear a nice dress for my beautiful cousins wedding and feel good about it! ( Vanessa, no rush to get married please!)

Went out for diner with some old friends, haven't seen in YEARS and it truly made me realise that first of all...we all look a tad older...looking good...just more seasoned! HAHA! Also, our topics of conversation have somewhat changed...we all talked about our kids/dogs/wives etc But more than that I realised that if friends are really a good match, then time is really  not an issue...but at the same time more effort to stay in touch with those quality guys I will definitely make! Amazing time with my guys from Mcdonalds! LOL

So much more to say but the Buddha is waking ( probably still hungry!!) here are some more our our great adventure pictures!!

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