Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Parental advisory...

ok so this is a venting post, if you have delicate sensibilities then skip and move on. I have had an epically rough day and this is my therapy so ...filter removed

ok so when I had Layla Rose I was warned at my post partum appointment that any subsequent pregnancies would be as complicated and potentially even more so, but this is regoddamndiculous.
I will add to that comment that getting pregnant with Layla Rose was a miracle and having a second baby was pretty much the biggest surprise and blessing and we are thrilled, and I feel slightly guilty to complain but at the same time this experience is relative to me so voila... So I am kinda tired of the glowing happy chirpy pregnant ladies in cute outfits and scarves yay for you but that it just not my experience. I am so much medication it is stupid, my belly looks like it has been beat daily with a 2x4 because of all the injections, I have to test for BP x2 every stupid day,  monitor fetal movement and do almost weekly ultrasounds and that's just the quick version of it. What I find even more is that all my coping mechanisms have been unlike all these feminine girly happy yoga , aquafitness mommies...I am stripped of what I do, no hockey, no workouts, no zumba no nothing, even walking has become limited to 10 min WTF!! So here is me, dealing with all this crap and I can't even do anything I usually do to deal with stress and difficulty. Plus I don't really talk about all this because then people always say to me...well three years ago you would have happily gone through this for even one baby...which is true but doesn't make it any easier. SO people...stop saying it, not interested in your preaching. while I am on the topic of what not to say, to those morons who say anything about how big I've gotten in any shape or form, including " WOW! look how pregnant you are!" save your comments for yourself, you make me feel like crap. I worked really hard to lose weight before the baby and brining any attention to how big I am now...not really appreciated, Thanks.

Keeping all of that pent up frustration in mind now I go to the hospital AGAIN and it actually started really good, no line up at check in and I only waited about 40min ( a huge record) but as I was sitting in the waiting room I started to feel really dizzy, shaky, tired, sweaty etc. I know my BP was rising. So as I am doing my deep breathing techniques to try and lower it, I end up listening to these 2 bible thumping zealots talking about how gay people are ruining the worked with their ability to adopt babies or to have them via in-vitro...not gods plan blah blah blah ( this was sparked by a couple at in the waiting room) HEY IDIOTS gay kids come from straight parents. I will say this they are so freaking lucky I could barely catch my  breath or I would have laced into them right there and then. Seriously it is stupidity like that that causes problems in the world, not gay people. So anyways I digress...The nurse calls me up for my initial session and finds my BP off the charts ( no surprise there I felt it) also tell me that they found anomalies in one of my tests so I had to repeat it that's always fun...swiftly followed by more blood tests ( screening for preeclampsia). Then I get called to the room by someone who is not Dr. Ponette. He explains to me that he is a resident, ok been there done that. Royal vic is a teaching hospital and since I have been there for ever I am used to it. But seriously this guy just takes the cake. He didn't even look at my file and tells me ok so you are early on...Um no...then has no idea about my complex files, argues with me about how many ultrasounds I have and the results and then proceeds to tell me I don't need an ultrasound...well at this point I just LOST MY SHIT! I demanded my Dr. and refused to leave until I saw him. When he finally got there he apologised for the resident and tried to explain but at this point I was so upset I just started balling. Which not going to lie...he had no idea what to do in that moment. So after I pull myself together and get through the appointment ok until the resident comes back in and starts to talk about me ( my case) to the DR. as if I am a case in book and not a human being ( I am now lying on the table) Dr. P pulls him out of the room  but leaves the door open and then starts talking to him and the other resident about my case...going on and on about how this is a great learning experience since my case is so complex blah blah blah... mean while I can hear it all.  I have never ever felt so much like a piece of crap as that. I am a human being with feeling and HORMONES!! I just couldn't take it. I was heart broken because of the level of trust I have in Dr. P and that I could be reduced to a learning opportunity instead of a woman going through a  very difficult pregnancy. I got up got dressed and then went to go sit in the nurses area because I was so upset I was not sure I could drive home. The nurse there was very sympathetic and talked me down and just reassured me. After collecting myself I just went home.

I am just exhausted from this experience and I just want to have a healthy baby and then NEVER EVER go through this again. I am tired of being looked at this way and not treated like a woman. I plan on being a Mom and wife and not an interesting case for the medical journal. UGH!

ok so now that I have put pen to paper ( figuratively) I feel slightly better. 8 weeks to go and let me tell you I am counting them down!!!

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