Ok folks, so as my due date approaches I am excited and can't wait for this little guy to complete our quartet. But as I show more people often go to touch my belly or ask if they could feel it move etc. Then I get those people who insist I take pregnancy photos or do a maternity shoot or a cast of my belly. I totally understand that for most women maybe these things are fun or nostalgic or whatever but for me they are not. I have never ever posted a photo of my belly because of what it looks like. It is not a memory I look at with fondness and the reason for that is the pain I am in and the reminder my belly is of the difficulty of the pregnancy. Many people do not know but I have ot inject medication into my belly and this causes very big and very sensitive bruises. Because I know most of you make these suggestions without knowing, here is the one and only belly shot you will ever get. I gope it helps to explain why I do not allow anyone to touch me and also why I do not look at pregnancy with the same emotions as everyone else.
This is not to say I am not happy to be having a second baby, I am THRILLED! but the process for us is complicated, emotional, physically draining, expensive and overall wrought with worry. This pregnancy alone I will have injected my self 259 times, taken 1554 pills, spent almost 50 hrs at the hospital , had 2 operations, given 28 tubes of blood, done 8 cultures, and quite frankly taken my BP so many times I can't even begin to count it. All of that said...2 wonderful kids is more than worth it, but explaining this process may help my friends and family understand why I do not let ANYONE touch my tummy. But you can be sure you will all be able to hold our little bundle when he gets here!!