It did however come with a price tag. I was working out A LOT. three days a week I did two work outs a day, 2 hockey games a week and any and all exercise I could squeeze in at home. I loved the direction the scale was going in but my body just took a beating. My knees are shot for life. Nothing I can do about that ( physic is crap, I don't want surgery ). But as pigheaded as I am the only thing I did was stop running but continued everything else. MY BODY HURT! I could hardly get up in the morning and it took a while to work out the kinks to get ready for the day. Laos I did the surgery for my arms, that was a biggie, and now 3 months later I still hurt, do not have full feeling and though the look is great it still hurts ( I am told this could take a full year) so all of this plus a vacation where I thoroughly enjoyed the culinary delights kinda frustrated me and I put on almost ten pounds
I just need to find BALANCE...such a difficult thing to find. but I saw a great picture....
and it has re-inspired me to keep on going, I have cut down a lot I work out three days a week and play 1-2 games a week. My knees still hurt EVERY DAY and my arms ...just BLAH but carry on I will! I am too motivated to beat this crap and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
I am excited to be running in the color me rad 5km with my goddesses in May and playing great hockey with my biggest supporter ( my INCREDIBLE husband)
So onward with my drive for health...learning to eat clean and make good choices...I will continue to check in with you all as it keep me real and honest. Oh ya and I hear this great saying today by Pastor Joel Oolsteen He said "did you ever wonder why when they made armour they only cover the front? did you ever notice the back is left exposed? The reason for this is like in life, in battle you should never run from your enemy but face it head !"and that is how I plan on doing this. with you all at my side ... thank you all again for your love and support!