Sunday, September 30, 2012

First time sick...BOOOOOOO!

I hate being sick and this one is a massive cold! YUK! I don't get sick often, but when I do WATCH OUT!! But thanks to an amazing husband who has taken care of me an Layla Rose we are getting through our first bout of sickness and keeping our fingers crossed that Layla and Eric don't get it. HERE HERE for purell! Also, Thank goodness for grandparents! Eric was able to get some sleep and Layla Rose was able to get spoiled by her Nana and Zadie who came and helped us out today! We are UBER lucky to have had their help...THANKS GUYS!!!  Layla Rose can't wait for her next visit!

#252 Mamie and A witchy Layla Rose. THANKS AUNTIE DIANE!!
#253 circle of neglect tastes great!

#254 A little devil! Thanks Auntie Michy!

#255 Daddy & Layla...morning time!

#255 I love my hat..really I do...seriously...luv it

#256 I aqm ready for blast off in my space chair!! WOOOWEEE!

#257 At the park in the big girl swing!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Montreal Marathon 2012

So, today I ran my second 10km KM ever. It was 4.5 months after the birth of our Layla Rose. I never thought I would be able to do it, and have onyl trained for it for the passed 6 weeks. But after a lot of mental battling along the way and with the UNBELIEVABLE support of the people lining the streets who cheer you on even though they don't know who you are, I crossed the finish line 79 minutes after I started. I won't lie i cried a little bit, not really believing I was at the end. Last year Layla was sleeping snuggly in  my tummy, this year she was sleeping in her daddy's arms.

Momma and Layla Rose before the race

Momma 79 minutes later!
I want to thank the random woman who paced me the last 2 km and helped me keep my pace, the crazy cool fans who cheered me on and especially Eric, who supported me every painful step of the way. Next year, it will be a family affair!!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

#245 Thats right Julie....its still alive...for now :)

#246 Are we it on??

#247 Look at the lights Oooooooo , so fun!!

@248 We still doing this, its not like the last 50 shots didn't cover it..eesh

#249 MOUAHAHAHA Evil Dragon plotting revenge...or pooping

#250 Cocoa...I woof you!

#251 Oh Bongo, look at those eyes....

Sunday, September 16, 2012

#237 all snuggly with her ittle ears hoodie!! cutie!!

#238 Layla Rose's new sleeping position...foufounes in the air!!

#239 Zia Vanessa and the little man, all dressed up and ready for Miami..all he needs is sandles and socks!

#240 Hmmmm...let me think about whats going on here...I'll get back to you 

#241 cousins and baby dragon about to roar!

# 242the kids playing.....nice tower Eric how about sharing!

#243 as many as we could get in one shot...even baby simba in the back there

#244 is it right that Layla got Uggs before me?!?! I guess I'll have to get me a pair :)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Little dragon visits the hospital...

So we had our first run to the children's hospital today. Layla Rose, our little dragon is able to roll over and she moves like a ninja and she rolled off the lawn chair in the back yard. Needless to say I felt like CRAP since I was watching her. Of course I bundled her right up and off we went to the children's. I made it there in full traffic in 35 min...go me. So firstly, AWESOME waititng room, with plenty for the kids and cool water lights to distract babies. We were through triage in 10 min, in with the doctor in another 15 and then in radiology 30 min later. At 8pm she fell asleep, 30 min later the doctor gave us the go ahead to leave. All in all 2hrs for everything, I was SUPER impressed, had we gone to the Lakeshore we would most likely still be there waiting.

Even though it was just a little fall, it was our first big scare and I am really happy to know that the care at the children's is so FANTASTIC. They also did a lot to reassure Momma :) Phew...I am glad that is over, now 72 hrs of calm and rest. I wish that was my prescription too :)
#230 Momma & Baby Dragon

#231 Love of my life!!

#232 sleeping in her swing...awwwwwwwwwwww

#233 These are MY toys...OK!?!?!

#234 I don't wanna share, you can't make me!


#236 sooooo cute in my leggings!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

#223 Layla Rose munching on Sophie

#224 Layla smilling at Tucan Sam

#225 Mouahahaha!!!!

#226 Just me and my blankie

#227 "Hey what you doing there?!?!"

#228 Like my hat??

#229 Daddy working and Layla chomping on his arm....bonding!