So an exciting milestone for us this week we are at 33 weeks (actually every week is a milestone for us LOL) and while we were pondering the journey so far, we thought it would be funny ( or depressing) to inventory what our 5 year effort to have a baby has entailed. When we saw the final numbers it was quite a reality check for us and we went through it all, so we also thought it would be interesting for you all to see it here it is:
70-80 visits to the Royal victoria hospital ( I know the parking lot guy by name!)
3 hysteoroscopys ( sorry no idea how to spell this)
58-65 internal ultrasounds
26 external ultrasounds
3 specialty ultrasounds
16 different medications
1 3-d ultrasound
over 96 individual blood tests ( and counting)
378 injections ( and counting)
4 IV's
33 urine tests
42 blood pressure tests
9 cultures
2 egg retrievals
1 spinal
4 transfers
1 cerclage
1 pelvic x-ray
and 1 cercalge removal to come...
And some fun facts: my uterus has been the subject of a published article in the fertility journal ( Published by Dr. Dahan) Every doctor, nurse, lab tech, ultrasound tech, resident, student, janitor and mailman has examined me (ok so maybe I am exaggerating but it makes me feel good! ) let us not forget the fact that I have fainted 3 times at the hospital and I know more about the reproductive system than most doctors do! Phew! So there you have it! and in a few short weeks it will all have been worth it when our little angel arrives! Can't wait and we will keep you posted!!