Tuesday, March 27, 2012

#73 For those of oyou who don't know, Bongo HATES grass and he refused to come out of his tunnel!

#74 Puppy love!!

#75 Julie that's your plant! I finally transplanted it from the glass, let's see if i can keep it alive until you get back!


So an exciting milestone for us this week we are at 33 weeks (actually every week is a milestone for us LOL) and while we were pondering the journey so far, we thought it would be funny ( or depressing) to inventory what our 5 year effort to have a baby has entailed. When we saw the final numbers it was quite a reality check for us and we went through it all, so we also thought it would be interesting for you all to see it also...so here it is:

70-80 visits to the Royal victoria hospital ( I know the parking lot guy by name!)
3 hysteoroscopys ( sorry no idea how to spell this)
58-65 internal ultrasounds
26 external ultrasounds
3 specialty ultrasounds
16 different medications
1 3-d ultrasound
over 96 individual blood tests ( and counting)
378 injections ( and counting)
4 IV's
33 urine tests
42 blood pressure tests
9 cultures
2 egg retrievals
1 spinal
4 transfers
1 cerclage
1 pelvic x-ray
and 1 cercalge removal to come...

And some fun facts: my uterus has been the subject of a published article in the fertility journal ( Published by Dr. Dahan) Every doctor, nurse, lab tech, ultrasound tech, resident, student, janitor and mailman has examined me (ok so maybe I am exaggerating but it makes me feel good! ) let us not forget the fact that I have fainted 3 times at the hospital and I know more about the reproductive system than most doctors do! Phew! So there you have it! and in a few short weeks it will all have been worth it when our little angel arrives! Can't wait and we will keep you posted!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Perfect Perfect Perfect!!!

HELLLLLLLLLLOOOO!! Ok so it has been over a week a half but it has been a wicked busy week. Last weekend was my baby shower that my Mom worked really hard to pull off for me. It was great, all my friends and family were there and we just had a great time. The food was soooooooooo yummy and my favorite cake was a bonus!!

I just want to take a minute to thank everyone for everything and for all the support throughout the passed 5 years. It has been a long road for us and we are so close to the finish line, we almost don't believe it.  Eric and I know that this has been a difficult year for a lot of our family and friends in their own lives and yet still you all cared enough to continue to support us. We are so lucky to be surrounded by so many people who care about us and our little baby, she will be spoiled for sure! Also, a special thank you to my Mom who did everything to make the day special, even though she is already a Nana , she never made me feel like my baby was not as special as the two granddaughters she already adores. It was a beautiful day so a BIG thank you MOM!!!

Today was another appoointment with our doctor and things are looking good so far. She weighs approx 4lbs and looks more like a baby now. The cerclage is doing its job and is holding the baby in the  oven, Dr.'s are hoping the baby will stay put for up to 37 weeks and they are delaying the removal of the cerclage (for now, each time I go to the Dr. the story changes so we will see what happens next week!) 

For now we are hanging in there and anxiously awaiting her arrival, we are both so excited now and are enjoying the last stages the best we can, all while trying not to worry! ( I hear that doesn't ever go away LOL) We will keep you all posted as we go along!
A couple of more pics from our American delegation ( THANKS ALAN!)

#68 My awesome group of friends, one particularily tall one :)

#69 The anxious parents to be!! ( and me in my special chair)

#70  Eric's favorite books and soon to be our daughters!!

#71 BUMBO!! Testing it out with my Cabbage Patch!!

#72 Such a Seinfeld moment...

Monday, March 19, 2012

a few pics...more to come...

#62 Yolanda this  one is for you!!

#62 Awesome gift from Vanessa! Can't wait to shake it again!

#64 what happens when too many pictures of me are taken LOL!!

#65 awwwwwwwwwww

#66 Bongo testing out the swing...he actually really liked it!

#67 Our daughters first hockey helmet!!

Friday, March 9, 2012

#60 For those of you who said my needle was puny...this is the bruise from my "puny" needle

#61 oh yes...they are back baby!

Monday, March 5, 2012

More camera time!

#55 This is the shot I do and have done for the past 30 weeks

#56 I lied...this is Cocoa's last picture before her hair cut LOL! (I am practicing with the new camera)

#57 Cocoa trying on the baby's socks..making sure they work!

#58 haha! Trying to get them  off!

#59 We didn't want Bongo to feel left out!

Saturday, March 3, 2012


#48 I'M HERE!!! TADA!!

#49 Cocoa's last close up as a furry teddy bear before her haircut!!

#50 Bongo showing Eric who's bed it REALLY is!!

#51 and when that doesn't work...snuggle in between them all!!

#52 Eric's new fishies for our fish tank...exciting!!

#53 Eric's fish Angelo

#54 My fish Julep!

Ok so after an EPICALLY poopy week, today was a supewr fun day!! YAHOO! We started out by the happy fact that I was able to have a decent nights sleep, I only got up twice! woot woot! Then we went down to Cote des Neiges to Cells for Life, a cord blood donor bank and got our collection kit for our daughters cord blood. Firstly, we got parking right in front of the door!! Oh happy day!! Then the woman, Christine was amazing and walked us through the whole thing, it is super exciting that this exists and we are happy that our daughter will have access to this exiting new world of stem cell medicine.

After that We went to Motherhood maternity, a store that has really affordable and comfy clothing AND I discovered the greatest thing...( drumroll) MATERNITY LEGGINGS! so I bought 3 pairs!! soooooooooo comfy I don't think I will ever go back to the regular kind. I also found a few cute tops that I don't feel so big in. so VICTORY for all!!

Finally after all that Eric and I went to the Orange Julep on Decarie and had a Julep!! YUM! I haven't had one in at least 2 years so it was soooooooooooooo good!! Then I named my fish after it LOL.

So all in all a good day and I am keeping my fingers crossed that I will have a similarily decent night tonight. As for this week, more doctor's appointment as I am now 30 weeks, who know how long i will be allowed to moderately do anything  so I am going to get the most out of the next couple of days. Alrighty people thats about it for now!!